Satan Bitch HKSAR chief executive Carrie Lam
2 February 2020
Since I was born, I never feel Hong Kong
is lacking resources. We have developed
to be a well-off society. I never met a
situation where I need something, but I cannot get it anywhere. Have we changed to a developing world
suddenly? Am I in Africa? Did our tax payers forget to pay tax so we are now being punished? It is all because of her...
Contingency Plan under the situation of outbreak of the New Coronavirus in China
31 January 2020
(updated on 13 Feb 2020) Due
to the outbreak of the New Coronavirus originated from a central china city,
Wuhan, all regions in the Mainland are being seriously affected. Wuhan itself and its neighbor cities are
completely “sealed”. Hundreds of
thousands of people died and get infected.
No medicines. Seriously
insufficient medical supplies...